……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Why Has Colds, Pneumonia And Flues Disappeared

New Neely Fuller Song: Entitled: “The Code Song
Also: “Crack was Made For BlacksWhy Has Colds, Pneumonia And Flues Disappeared

Does anyone catch colds anymore?  If so, why isn’t it mentioned in the News?  Why doesn’t the News and so-called doctors, health professionals, report this and explain the difference between colds, pneumonia and flues so that people will know the symptoms? 

Should it be necessary for a person to go to the hospitals for a Simple Cold, Flu or Bacteria’s?  Most people haven’t been going to the Hospitals for simple Colds, Flu, etc.  Millions of people also die from regular colds, flu’s, bacteria’s every year because of complications involved with them.  They seem to have disappeared or Stopped for some reasons, just as with the School shootings.   Do you wonder why that is?

What were the school shootings really about anyway?  White Kids were shooting up White people as well as killing their own White Parents for some reasons.   Why do you think that happened and more importantly why did it stop all of a sudden? 

White children have been finding out the truth and were highly disappointed in their Ancestors and Parents for the lies that they hid from them.  That’s when it appeared that the mass shootings and killings started.  Then all of a sudden, it stopped.  Then it appeared that Shooters begin to emerged as White Supremacists killing People of Color in Churches, Schools, on the Streets, at Parties,  Social Gatherings, Protests, etc, etc.

Naturally this took the focus off of the White Children killing their own Parents/Kind.  Which has caused more confusion and mass hysteria and chaos globally on the planet?   Now White Children are Marching and Protesting with People of Color.   Then appears what seem to be majority of hired White Racists Groups to cause Looting and Destruction of Property to take the focus off of the real reasons for the protests, which is the George Floyd Murder by Police and Police Brutality.  

Such as what happened in the protesting of Football Quarterback Great Colin Kaepernick, kneeling protesting against Police Brutalities.  The focus was then Totally taken off of the Police Brutalities and put on Politics and a flag, by Politicians and other White Supremacists Racists, about the kneeling of which the Flag is not a True Freedom and Justice representation, for any people.  Only for the White Supremacists Racists.

Now the Corona Virus comes along and cause Mass Hysteria over the Planet and everybody seems to have forgotten about why Colds, Pneumonia and Flues have disappeared.   U-m-m-m.  Very interesting don’t you think?  Is there some New World Order reasoning behind all of this confusion, and if so, why? 

Government [people who supposedly work for the people] are now making Laws [without being passed/voted on by the people] Mandating that people can’t come out of their own Houses because of a Corona Virus.  Mandating that people have to Wear Masks to even go to Stores to by Food and other supplies for Survival Reasons.  Mandating [making un-official laws] forcing Small Businesses to close down. 

More likely than not, there will probably soon be coming a Mandate for people to take Injections of Medications having no knowledge of what it is or the Effects it may have in the long run on Them, their Children, Relatives, Loved-Ones and Friends.   Also, Mandating who can visit or leave what Cities, States, Countries etc,.   As well as, being Arrested and put in Prisons, Cages, and Jails, etc, for not Complying to UN-Lawful  Mandated Laws?

What’s happening Folks?  

It all appears to boil down to one thing Folks, and that is, Mandating who Gets To Live Or Die according to the UN-Lawful Mandated Laws by the so-called Representatives who supposedly work for the people, who is being Controlled by the Big Con Game of the White Supremacists Racists using the System of White Supremacy Racism.

And how about the White Supremacists Racists allowing People to get Guns and Firearms by the Multitude to be used to Kill each other.  That would also include Police and Military.   Can’t you see what’s happening Folks?

Don’t get me wrong Folks!  I’m not For or Against Mandating, trying to kepp People safe.  However,  I’m am confused as to why all this [Confusion] is happening.  Because, there does seem to be a Certain Pattern of things happening, over and over again.

More importantly, what can be done about it?  And who should be held Accountable for such Confusions and Terrorism, Murderous Tactics and Big Con Games?  Are the Presidents, Rulers, Dictators of any Countries or the Politician Representatives totally responsible for all of that? 

If so, should they all be Removed and Replaced?   [Are they the White Supremacist Racists?]  If  they’re Not, and it should happen to be the People, should People removed other People from the very Freedoms that they may be causing upon themselves because of their ignorance and own actions?  Then who will claim responsibility, or be appointed such Powers,  for People removing other People?

More importantly, how could any of that be done without creating more Confusion and Chaos?  By force?  Or some other less Violent ways?  Many questions have been and are still not being answered about all of these things and more issues? 

Why do you think that is folks?  What are Our duties to Combat all of this seemingly Terrorism and Destruction cause by People who are supposedly working for the people, or People in General? 

The only thing I can think of is what I’m doing now.  And that’s bringing Attention to it all and to all People who May be Involved. 

As Mr. Neely Fuller Jr. has Stated: All problems are solved through the Process Of Questions and Answers. And I think he’s dam right.

Therefore, if we keep the Questioning, of all the Issues, concerning/involving all the People, in the Forefront, We may just be able, to help Solve Problems and keep People from Killing, Imprisoning, Destroying each other. 

Who Knows, Maybe Even To The Point Of Extinction!

As stated in the Movie Shaw Shank Redemption,


I know which one I wanna do Folks.  How about you?

Hope this helps,


A New Pledge To The United States Flag And All Other Flags Around The World,  Invented by a Man named  Mr. Neely Fuller Jr.                          

The Pledge:       “I Do At All Times Relate To The Flag, The Exact Same Way, The Flag Relates To Me”




Then you will know how to deal with People and Things, and see things for what they really are, when they confront you saying you Dishonored the Flag.

People like: Drew Christopher Brees Quarterback for the New Orleans Saints.

This Pledge Is For Things and so-called People  Such as, Corporations, Companies, Cities, IRS, States, Governments,  Police, Gods,  Judges, Attorneys, Ministers, Pastors, Popes, Bishops, Lawyers, Races, Religions and Religious Books,, Gold, Diamonds, Money, etc, etc.  And of course people like Drew Christopher Brees.

Mr. Neely Fuller Jr. also made the Quote:   FEELINGS ARE UNRELIABLE IF THEY ARE NOT ATTACHED TO LOGIC. He states it around 14:10 in the link.

Mr. Neely Fuller Jr.



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Read These Books By:

Mr. Neely Fuller Jr.

The United-Independent Compensatory Code/System /Concept A Textbook/Workbook For Thought, Speech And/Or Action For Victims Of Racism White Supremacy)


The United-Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept A Compensatory Counter-Racist Codified Word Guide……………….At:  http://producejustice.com/bio.html

(Neely Fuller Jr. If  You Do Not Understand White Supremacy (Racism)

What It Is And How It Works

Everything Else That You Understand

Will Only Confuse You……..

 Also :

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

The Isis Papers (The Keys To The Colors), And The
1970 Essay The Cress Theory Of Color-Confrontation And Racism

Her Book Can Be Found At: Amazon

In The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism, Doctor Welsing reasoned that “Racism (White Supremacy) is the local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white. 

Whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity. 

1. Economics, 2. Education, 3. Entertainment, 4. Labor, 5. Law, 6. Politics, 7. Religion, 8. Sex and 9. War). for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet Earth.

A planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as nonwhite (black, brown, red and yellow) by people with no color pigmentation, in which all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration/complexion) compared to the genetic recessive white complexion skinned people”.



 Dr. Joy Leary DeGruy‘s Book “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome”

Can Be Found At: http://joydegruy.com/


Dr. Ray Hagins:   It’s Time To Wake Up!

Can Be Found At: The Afrikan Village


Ex Pastor Kevin Wesley

Can Be Found At: What Is The Matrix


Brother Polight

Brother Polight Explains How Religion Has Been Downfall of Black

Stop Being a Mental Slave Read Marvin’s New Books
Free To Download At:

Which Would You Prefer-Dreams Or Reality

Words Do Not Exist In Any Languages

Family Reunions Are A Form Of Slavery 


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