New Neely Fuller Song: Entitled:
“The Code Song“
Also: “Crack was Made For Blacks“
Should Statues Of Racists White
Slave Owners
Historic Figures Be Taken Down?
This is just another Form/Way for the White Supremacist Racists to Manipulate people’s minds to help Refine and Strengthening the System Of White Supremacy Racism. Just as with the word NIGGER, the White Supremacist Racists are removing all EVIDENCE OF THE VICIOUS CRIMES they have committed throughout History.
It’s to help White People feel less Uncomfortable, from Seeing, Hearing, being Confronted With, and Knowing about their Ancestor’s History of Slavery and the VICIOUS, Foul, Heinous Crimes, they’ve committed against Humanity and Especially People of Color.
The White Supremacist Racists has already Manipulate people into using something called the N WORD instead of the actual Word NIGGER. And people of Color has fallen for the same ole Okey Dokey all over again and again.
Why would anybody [that uses any kind of Logic] want to remove Evidence of wrong doings that were done to them? That makes no sense what-so-ever, and is Totally Illogical!
When any kind of Crime is committed, isn’t the first thing in Law and Court Cases, about finding or having Evidence to prove a Case or the Truth Issues? So why then would someone want to get rid of the Evidence they need to present their Case? How dumb Down can people get?
If anything, leave the Statutes up and add writings to the top and bottom of the Statutes stating the Truth about them and their contributions to the History of Slavery and the VICIOUS, Foul, Heinous Crimes, they’ve committed against Humanity and Especially People of Color. That way, people can always be reminded of who they are and what they have done.
Just like the Statutes, the Word NIGGER was substituted with N Word. Hell, doesn’t it mean the same thing? Wake the Hell Up People!.
Folks say use N Word but don’t say NIGGER. Well, if the N Word means NIGGER, why not use the real Word? The Truth? Why hide it? Do you see what’s happening Folks? Do you see how your mind can be Manipulated without you even having knowledge of it happening? Come on Folks, your running out of time. This New Word Order is only for the Wises of Minds. No longer will Fools and Foolishness be Tolerated by the White Supremacist Racists. That means you won’t be of any Value to anyone, including your Dam Self.
Now the White Supremacist Racists want to Manipulate people once again by removing all EVIDENCE of Statutes of Confederates that committed VICIOUS CRIMES, to Refine and Strenghthen the System of White Supremacy in the Future. [Without you having any knowledge of it happening].
And what’s so Pitiful about it all, is that the Confederates fought against the United States. So why would the United States want to Worship anything Confederate by putting up Statutes and Flags of someone who fought against them in War? That makes no sense to even a Six Year Old Child! That is totally Ludicrous.
Yet people are still having disagreements and even Physical Fights over Honoring and Worshiping, the very Confederate Statutes and Flags, [stupid S.H.I.T.] that the Confederates fought against their UNITED STATES for. How utterly stupid can Folks be? Do you think Jewish People would Honor and Worship Flags and Statutes of Hitler and Concentration Camps? I would think not!
Listen To Trevor Noah of The Daily Show, giving you knowledge about it HERE: At 1:48.
With that said, I guess I’ll be the only one using the WORD NIGGER when referring to Slavery, Racism and other non-constructive issues. And I don’t have any intentions of stopping no matter who doesn’t like it. If a person doesn’t like it and they don’t want to hear the WORD NIGGER, then they shouldn’t ask me to use the N WORD. The N WORD means NIGGER and I’m not giving it any other meaning than what it is and I’m definitely Not giong to Hide the Truth about History, as was done with the so-called Black People’s History.
Hell so-called Black People don’t even know that they are not really Black or of a Black Nature. Black People accept that S.H.I.T NAME [given to them by the White Supremacist Racists, and think it means African. How Pitiful!
Every culture of people has a name except for Blacks. Why do you think that is Folks? Maybe because there’s no such thing as Black and White people. Even White people consider their culture White but, can Blacks consider their culture Black? Hell Naw!
First and Foremost; Black is not a Culture and the Color Black is Synonymous with terms like, [and the following is just a small list of words]: Dark, Inky, Unlit, Gloomy, Dusky, Dim, Murky, Dingy, Opposite Of Clear, Bright and White, Distinguished, Dark, Pitch Black, Jet Black, Inky, Stygian, Opposite Of White, Tragic, Despair, Disastrous, Catastrophic, Devastating, Fatal, Wretched, Grievous, Miserable, Unfortunate, Awful, Terrible, Gloomy, Misery, Depressed, Sad, Wretched, Grief-Stricken, Sorrowful, Mourning, Anguished, Distressed, Devastated, Despairing, Dejected, Harrowing, Cynical, Sick, Weird, Unhealthy, Ghoulish, Morbid, Perverted, Gruesome, Sadistic, Cruel, Offensive, Full Of Anger Or Hatred, Irate, Resentful, Bad-Tempered, Dirty, Filthy, Furious, Outraged, Threatening, Menacing, Unfriendly, Aggressive, Belligerent, Hostile, Antagonistic, Evil, Evil-Intentioned, Wicked, Nasty, Hate-Filled, Bitter, Acrimonious, Malevolent, Malicious, Malignant, Malign, Venomous, Poisonous, Vindictive.
And what do you think the terms Synonymous with White is? How about this list: Bright, Cleansed, Clear, Delicate, Dirtless, Elegant, Faultless, Flawless, Fresh, Graceful, Hygienic, Immaculate, Orderly, Pure, Sanitary, Shining, Snowy, Sparkling, Stainless, Taintless, Tidy, Unblemished, Unpolluted, UnSmudged, Unsoiled, Untarnished, Washed, Well-Kept, etc,.
Beginning to get the point Folks?
And so-called Black People have the audacity to say they are Proud to be Black. What nonsense! The color Black is associated with nothing but nasty, foul, bad, evil, belittling meanings, and Black People just accept it and love it. They don’t even realize how manipulated their minds have become. Black is a Color. Black is not an African as some/most people think of it as being. African is a Culture like Irish, Italians, Chinese, Spanish, Germans, French, etc. For all that it matters, even an African is not Black, nor do they consider themselves Black.
However, so-called Blacks have conceded and accepted the Titles of being Negros, Colored, Nigger, Afro American, Black American, African American, etc, etc. What will it take to wake up Folks? When will you Learn Something?
Listen Now To The Song Learn Something [Or Download Song Here]
Here’s some Information about it from Amexem YouTube Channel that explains in more detail why Black People are not Black.
For anyone who doesn’t want to say NIGGER, I have no problems with them doing so. If they want to hide Truth, then so be it. I’m not! Of course I respect their right in doing so, as well.
Some people might say “well Marv, the statutes represent something bad and negative. why not get rid of them? My reply: ” Didn’t you just hear me state that I’m not giving it any other meaning than what it Really is and definitely don’t want to Hide the Truth about History like was done with so-called Black People’s History? However, if you don’t understand that, it could only mean that you don’t see things for what they really are. And that’s your problem!
As Mr. Neely Fuller stated with his very wise Quote: “If You Don’t Understand White Supremacy/Racism, What It Is And How It Works, Everything Else That You Understand, Will Only Confuse You”.
More importantly, I highly Suspect that it’s probably Paid Racists [along with unsuspecting Protesters] that have been Hired by the White Supremacist Racists, to remove all such Evidence. That includes all Words, Statutes, Movies, Laws, Books, Advertisements, etc. In nine areas of People Activity including:
1. Economics, 2. Education, 3. Entertainment, 4. Labor, 5. Law, 6. Politics, 7. Religion, 8. Sex and 9. War.
It would be purposely done by the White Supremacist Racists to hide their wrong doings. And therefore, give them more time to Refine and Strengthen the System of White Supremacy Racism.
Hope this helps,
A New Pledge To The United States Flag And All Other Flags Around The World, Invented by a Man named Mr. Neely Fuller Jr.
The Pledge: “I Do At All Times Relate To The Flag, The Exact Same Way, The Flag Relates To Me”
Then you will know how to deal with People and Things, and see things for what they really are, when they confront you saying you Dishonored the Flag.
People like: Drew Christopher Brees Quarterback for the New Orleans Saints.
This Pledge Is For Things and so-called People Such as, Corporations, Companies, Cities, IRS, States, Governments, Police, Gods, Judges, Attorneys, Ministers, Pastors, Popes, Bishops, Lawyers, Races, Religions and Religious Books,, Gold, Diamonds, Money, etc, etc. And of course people like Drew Christopher Brees.
Mr. Neely Fuller Jr. also made the Quote: FEELINGS ARE UNRELIABLE IF THEY ARE NOT ATTACHED TO LOGIC. He states it around 14:10 in the link.
Mr. Neely Fuller Jr.
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Read These Books By:
The United-Independent Compensatory Code/System /Concept A Textbook/Workbook For Thought, Speech And/Or Action For Victims Of Racism White Supremacy)
The United-Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept A Compensatory Counter-Racist Codified Word Guide……………….At:
(Neely Fuller Jr.) If You Do Not Understand White Supremacy (Racism)
What It Is And How It Works
Everything Else That You Understand
Will Only Confuse You……..
Also :
The Isis Papers (The Keys To The Colors), And The
1970 Essay The Cress Theory Of Color-Confrontation And Racism
Her Book Can Be Found At: Amazon
In The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism, Doctor Welsing reasoned that “Racism (White Supremacy) is the local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white.
Whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity.
1. Economics, 2. Education, 3. Entertainment, 4. Labor, 5. Law, 6. Politics, 7. Religion, 8. Sex and 9. War). for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet Earth.
A planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as nonwhite (black, brown, red and yellow) by people with no color pigmentation, in which all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration/complexion) compared to the genetic recessive white complexion skinned people”.
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