…….Corona Virus HOAX? MAYBE!

New Neely Fuller Song: Entitled:

The Code Song
Also: “Crack was Made For Blacks


Why Do I Think So?  I can recall the School Hoax Shootings and Fake News.

People, the Corona Virus Is What It Is!   IT’S A DAM VIRUS!

No matter what anybody says or does or names it, the so-called Corona Virus Is gonna do what it does, just like any other Cold, Flu, Pneumonia Bacteria’s, etc, Viruses does.  It can and will kill people like it’s done for Centuries and Centuries!  So how is it something NEW?   A VIRUS IS A VIRUS, no matter what some body wants to name or call it.

Thousands if not Millions of people die from Cold, Flu, Pneumonia Bacteria’s etc, Viruses every year. 

It’s Nothing To Take For Granted Or Take To Lightly

However, IT’S NOT A NEW VIRUS. Viruses like any living thing should be able to manipulate [add or subtract to] itself and/or be manipulated [added or subtracted to] by People, to do what is known as having what some sleep minded People call, becoming a New Strand.  {Whatever the hell that is/mean].

Some may say “well Marv, it’s a NEW STRAND OF VIRUS“.    I say, “GTHOH!  New strain yo Ass”.

All Cold, Flu, Pneumonia Bacteria’s, Viruses, etc, AND all living things in general, has the ability to Render itself/themselves to becoming Immune or Adapt to something that’s trying to destroy it.  Like the Human Body has the ability to do, when it’s in Survival Mode.  We/it can build up a defense against it.   WE/IT  ADAPTs!

Don’t knock people for doing the smart thing of going outside and building their immune systems.  Not spraying everything with a killer.  Germs, Viruses and Bacteria gotta practice on something………….ROTFLMAO!

Folks, don’t be Mis-Directed into concentrating mainly on the so-called Corona Virus, and to not pay a lot of Attention to What’s Happening Around You, because of the so-called Corona Virus.  The Cold, Flu, Pneumonia Bacteria’s etc, Viruses were here from the beginning of time since We arrived on this Planet, and has never left, and is still here, doing what it does best.


Just like Us [the so- called Human Species] the so-called Corona Virus is a Living Thing, that wants to Survive, like any other living thing/species, etc.  Therefore, it does what it does. 

So far, it has not had the Capabilities of Annihilating Mankind into Extinction.  If it was Capable, it would have happen already, before now, after Centuries and Centuries of being on this Planet destroying millions of people and other living things. 

So people, I suggest that you GIVE A LOT MOLRE OF YOUR THOUGHTS, FOCUS AND ATTENTION, TO WHAT’S GOING ON AROUND YOU, during these times of this so-called Corona Virus Pandemic/Epidemic.  Notice what’s changing and how it’s causing people to become more and more, DIVIDED

More importantly, all the while Television and Media Advertising is still going on VERY STRONG, for new Cars, Clothes, Tennis Shoes, Sports, Furniture, Appliances, Hair and Finger Nail Styles, Rocks like Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Paper like so-called Money, Movies, Music, Religions, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law and Politics, etc, etc.  ALL MATERIAL THINGS FOLKS!

Please help me to understand, why the hell would you/we need material things if you/we can’t use them like you/we want, when we want, and where we want?  What use will those Material Things be to Us, if we’re not even allowed to go out of our own Dam houses to use them?  To drive our own dam cars, etc?  Where are you/we gonna go, to wear our new clothes, if we can’t leave our own dam houses?….Man oh Man…..ROTFLMAO!


If those Material Things are of no use to us because we can’t leave our own Houses, why are they [White Supremacist RacistsSTILL ADVERTISING this S.H.I.T., and AT THE SAME TIME PROMOTING THE CORONA VIRUS?

That don’t add up Folks.  It makes no Sense what-so-ever!

If the Corona Virus is such a Danger for an Epidemic or Pandemic, why are Big Companies Still Advertising Products we can’t use at this moment?   And how can it be so Devastating if a Dam Can of Lysol or Hand Sanitizer can Kill or Control it?  The Virus is what’s shutting down the stores, businesses, banks, etc, etc!  It’s people that’s doing the shutting down.  People like so-called Mayors, Senators, Governors, Congress Folks, Presidents, Dictators, etc.  And why do you think that’s happening Folks?

More importantly, there is no kind of Masks ever made that can keep a Virus from entering you if it’s AIRBORNE!  Mask are mainly helpful with Bacterial things, not VirusesViruses are to small for any kind of Mask to completely control.  Don’t take my word for it or listen to me, Research it for yourself.  Bacteria is far more bigger than Viruses.  Therefore, wear all the Mask you want, it probably won’t help [in my opinion] with any kind of Viruses, no matter what somebody names it.  If a Virus is AIRBORNE, that’s Our Asses!  Plain and simple. 

Besides if it’s AIRBORNE, no matter what kind of Masks you’re wearing, you still have to Breath some Dam Air to stay alive.  So, how does a Mask block out the Virus that’s in the Air?  Think Folks, Just Think! 

When it’s all over, that’s when White Supremacist Racists are going to make their biggest Moves.  And we will have to WORK, five times harder [like little Ants or Busy little Bees] than we have been, in order to so-call, catch up on things, like Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War, that they have Constantly been Advertising Products about.   And all this is done while this so-called Epidemic, Pandemic is/has been happening.

When the great White Hope [God so to speak] arrives with the so-called Cure [for something that was already here]  the answer will be obvious and very clear to you/us then, BUT, by then, it will be to late because you/we didn’t see the S.H.I.T. coming!

Do you really think that the National Guards, Military, Police, FBI, CIA, Governors, Senators, States, Cities, Judges, Countries, Leaders, Dictators etc, so-called Representatives[and  any, and all, other ENFORCEMENT Characters are being deployed around the World, to merely JUST help to Dispense Food to help the People?……………………….. WAKE THE HELL UP FOLKS!

ASK YOURSELVES WHY is this happening?  Have you given it any  thought that it just may very well be that, the White Supremacist Racists are STRATEGICALLY putting their ENFORCEMENT Characters in Certain Positions around the Planet, to keep CONTROL and the Upper Hand, over all People and all Living Things?   WAKE THE HELL UP FOLKS!

It’s still about Divide and Conquer.  Do you really thing Democrats vs Republicans means they are against each other?  Hell Naw

They are all in the Same Club, in the Same Bed Together against the rest of Us Non-MembersAnd, In the mean time they have Us fighting each other about me/you being, Democrats vs Republicans

How much Dumber and Stupid can we become or get Folks?

People look at the Movie IdiocracyIt may give you an idea of where things might be headed.

SURE, no Virus, is something that any of us should take Lightly, because Viruses can  and do, kill Millions of People every Year, just like any other Cold, Flu or Pneumonia VirusesHowever,  what is supposedly NEW about this so-called Corona Beer Virus Stuff?  NOTHING!  It’s the same Cold, Flu or Pneumonia Viruses with a new Beer Name.  Which is causing all the so-called Epidemic, Pandemic and Hysteria.   And now everybody is filled with Fear and will do stupid, dumb non-constructive things, because of their Fear.  Ain’t dat a Bitc(_^&%^*$%&*&#?

So, why is everybody in a panic and hysteria about it?  [Answer] Because of the way the White Supremacist Racists is feeding it to Us/You Folks!   If no one knows where it the corona beer virus came from or how to stop it, that should tell you something right there.

If it can’t be stopped, THAT’S OUR ASSES! Plain and simple Folks. 

However, if it can be controlled or stopped, who ever has that knowledge, are the ones who will control all of Us/Living Things, who don’t have the knowledge.  When you understand things and how they work, you can’t be fooled with a lie.  That doesn’t mean you can’t still be hurt by it [the Lie]  fooled or confused, because you KNOW or have KNOWLEDGE of it. 

And that applies to any and everything.  It also removes most if not all the FEAR you had about the thing(s) you didn’t Know or have Knowledge about.  Knowledge  is the REAL POWER Folks.  That’s why the White Supremacist Racists  are in control because, they seem to be the only ones, who uses the most Common Sense [LOGIC that came with the Universe] over the rest of Us.  END OF STORY FOLKS!

I’m willing to bet, The White Supremacist Racists probably knows Exactly what caused the BEER VIRUS and where it came from, BECAUSE. they have studied about VIRUSES for Thousands of Centuries.

All CURES for most, if not all Types of Problems,


Just think about it Folks!   For example; What is the CURE for a Rattle Snake Bite?  THE VENOM from the Snake itself!

The White Supremacist Racists are masters at Reversing, Adding, or Subtracting from the TRUTH, and applying some B.S. with it, to make a LIE, to cause Disasters and Catastrophes.  This is a Con Game The White Supremacist Racists has been playing on people for Centuries.   After the The White Supremacist Racists causes the Disasters and Catastrophes, The White Supremacist Racists then comes to the rescue as the Great White God, who saves Us all from this so-called Disaster and Catastrophe.  Now People can’t help themselves in believing any and everything else that the Great White God say or does.

More importantly, with all this Corona Beer Virus that’s happening, there is still Racism White Supremacy around the World being implicated daily.  After it’s all said and done, the Black People and People of Color will still not get  Justice or PeaceAin’t dat a Bitc*&%$^(_(^%&#%?

Even with Medicine, the White Supremacist Racists Reversed, Added, and Subtracted from PLANTS, HERBS, SEEDS, TREES, etc, etc, [The TRUTH or Thing Itself] by renaming it, Superstitions or Witch Doctor Medicines

When in Fact, all Medicines comes from [The TRUTH or Thing Itself] some form of PLANTS, HERBS, SEEDS, TREES, etc.  The White Supremacist just took/take enough from the Truth, to Invent a Lie, feed it to Us fools, and BINGO, that’s our ASSES!…(:-).

Have you really watched the News Reporting [that is controlled by the White Supremacist Racists (that may even be passing themselves off) as Jews] about Stopping Illegal Immigration and Securing the Border?  Do you really think it’s possible for people to walk 45-50 miles a day [ With/In Flip Flops and Tennis Shoes?].  Come on people, Wake The Hell Up! 

All the news reporting [that is controlled by the White Supremacist Racists] only shows you what they want you to think is really going on.  Use some Logic Folks!  The Dam Reporters are so Dumb Down and Stupid it’s Pitiful.  They just read from Cue Cards instead of Reporting Real News.  Trump even stated how Ignorant they are with giving Fake News.  And I’m not even a Trump Fan!…lol.

It’s almost to the point where people don’t want to even Touch or Embrace each other or their own Family Members, Loved Ones and Friends, because of this Beer Virus Stuff.   And please Remember everything was already here before we arrived on this Planet.


Things Just don’t add up Folks.  It makes no Sense what-so-ever!   If the Corona Virus is such a Danger for an Epidemic or Pandemic, why are Big Companies Still Advertising Products we can’t use at this moment?   And how can it be so Devastating if a Dam Can of Lysol or Hand Sanitizer can Kill or Control it?  It’s not the Virus that is shutting down the stores, businesses, banks, etc, etc!  It’s people that’s doing the shutting down.  People like so-called Mayors, Senators, Governors, Congress Folks, Presidents, Dictators, etc.  And why do you think that’s happening Folks?

More importantly, there is no kind of Masks ever made that can keep a Virus from entering you if it’s AIRBORNE!  Mask are mainly helpful with Bacterial things, not VirusesViruses are to small for any kind of Mask to completely control.  Don’t take my word for it or listen to me, Research it for yourself.  Bacteria is far more bigger than Viruses.  Therefore, wear all the Mask you want, it probably won’t help [in my opinion] with any kind of Viruses, no matter what somebody names it.  If a Virus is AIRBORNE, that’s Our Asses!  Plain and simple. 

Besides if it’s AIRBORNE, no matter what kind of Masks you’re wearing, you still have to Breath some Dam Air to stay alive.  So, how does a Mask block out the Virus that’s in the Air?  Think Folks, Just Think! 

Hope this helps,


Here are two Brothers videos that give information about the Corona Virus.

Dr Phil Valentine- The Corona Virus Cover Up


Curtis Cost- Vaccines Are Dangerous


People today are living like they are still in the Dark Ages

When Witches were being Burned At The Stakes.


Or   The  UNIVERSE   And   NATURE!


Now How Do You Like Them Apples?

Hope this helps,


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Please study the works of the following people also:

Mr. Neely Fuller Jr.

The United-Independent Compensatory Code/System /Concept A Textbook/Workbook For Thought, Speech And/Or Action For Victims Of Racism White Supremacy)


The United-Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept A Compensatory Counter-Racist Codified Word Guide……………….At:  http://producejustice.com/bio.html

(Neely Fuller Jr.)  If  You Do Not Understand White Supremacy (Racism) What It Is And How It Works Everything Else That You Understand Will Only Confuse You……..

 Also :

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

The Isis Papers (The Keys To The Colors), And The
1970 Essay The Cress Theory Of Color-Confrontation And Racism

Her Book Can Be Found At: Amazon

In The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism, Doctor Welsing reasoned that “Racism (White Supremacy) is the local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white. 

Whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity. 

1. Economics, 2. Education, 3. Entertainment, 4. Labor, 5. Law, 6. Politics, 7. Religion, 8. Sex and 9. War). for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet Earth.

A planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as nonwhite (black, brown, red and yellow) by people with no color pigmentation, in which all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration/complexion) compared to the genetic recessive white complexion skinned people”.


 Dr. Joy Leary DeGruy‘s Book “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome”

Can Be Found At: http://joydegruy.com/


Dr. Ray Hagins:   It’s Time To Wake Up!

Can Be Found At: The Afrikan Village


Ex Pastor Kevin Wesley Can Be Found At: What Is The Matrix


Brother Polight

Brother Polight Explains How Religion Has Been Downfall of Black


Jane Elliott: 

Jane Elliott is an American former third-grade schoolteacher, anti-racism activist, and educator, as well as a feminist and an LGBT activist. She is known for her “Blue eyes–Brown eyes” exercise.  You can get more info about her at: http://www.janeelliott.com/.


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